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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Notes on Doors/Under Contract AGAIN

So I know I haven't downloaded the picture from my camera to upload for my update from two posts ago but things have been a little hectic for me but I wanted to give a quick update as we are almost 1000 days, over 32 months or just three months shy of three years since the property was first marketed!

The last time I went by the 7301 Pimmit Ct. house I noticed a note on the door. Out of interest I wrote down the information so I could post it.

My name is Julie. I would like to buy your house. I can buy it
right now. Please call me as soon as possible. My number is

Now this seemed odd to me as the owner has a realtor why would someone leave a note on the door and not contact the realtor. Maybe the realtor is unresponsive or they have attempted to contact them before and didn't like the way they did business, but then I Googled the number...

Julie, is Julie Hendrix of S.S.R.E. Investors a company that appears to auction off properties. If this is true it would be a HUGE no no as she would be going behind the fence and trying to bypass the realtor. Now this number based on trackbacks is also linked to DC Life Magazine so it is entirely possible that she could be an editor look for a house as well. Now if she was going to purchase the house for her own residence there would be no issue but it does wave a big red flag when looking at the ethics of realty and trying to bypass the realtor.

Also the house is under contract again. If you can tell by the sound of my typing, I am not impressed. This is because going on and off contract is become the story of the house. Go under contract come off from under contract go under contract, rinse and repeat. I am sure eventually someone will purchase this house, but given the fact that some of the major banks are freezing the foreclosure process to make sure that the paperwork is in order I think that this might not be the last time it goes under contract but we will see. Personally, my gut feeling is to avoid foreclosures for a while.

On a truth in real estate point it is nice to see the remarks have been updated to show that the house does not qualify for an FHA loan.

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